Friday, April 29, 2016

What A Friend

In today's Gospel passage, Jesus calls us his friends:  "You are my friends if you do what I command you.... I have called you friends because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father. It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you...."  (Jn 15: 15b, 16)  This is a fitting passage on the Memorial of St. Catherline of Siena, whose love for Jesus resulted in intimate visions, ecstasies and eventually the stigmata.  We might for a moment pine for such a friendship with Jesus, but for most of us with our daily duties and multiple distractions, perhaps the best we can do is seek a friendship on the level of a best friend, a friendly card or letter from time to time, or, as extoled in the old classic, What A Friend We Have in Jesus,  a relationship to the one who gives us peace, ability to bear pain, strength in trial and temptation, hope in discouragement and sorrow, knowing that he is always at our side and closer in prayer. Humming or singing this hymn often could strengthen our friendship and perhaps lead it to deeper levels.

Brad Paisley - What A Friend We Have In Jesus...
Bro. Rene 

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