Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Faithful God

Every once in awhile, we need to be reminded of just how faithful God is.  We tend to get caught up in our own world, which is full of deadlines and dealings, stressing us to the point of numbness.  We forget the birthday of a friend, we neglect to pass on good news, or send a thank you or sympathy card. So if our lives are so muddled. is it no wonder that God is put (or just left) in the back seat, and on we go trying to make it on our own, until we either crash or something pops up to nudge us back on track.  God frees us from the snares we create for ourselves because God is faithful to us, so much more than we to him.  To keep this in mind, we need to repeat often, "You, Lord, are a faithful God, your love is everlasting; I put my trust in you.  Rescue me from the clutches of my self-sufficiency and overextension.  Calm me, take me by my hand and help me to walk slowly and peacefully with you."
Bro. Rene

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