Friday, August 29, 2014

The Passion of John the Baptist

Note:  I had to publish the statistics on our global outreach separately.  The number of hits yesterday was 88; for the month so far,over a thousand, and since our beginning, 51,500!  Way to go, Holy 

Today's Memorial, more commonly known as the Beheading of John the Baptist, calls to mind the infamous "Dance of the Seven Veils", but in light of recent events, this traditional name is still very appropriate. The word "passion"  suggests both suffering, as in the Passion of Jesus, but also carries the meaning of "energy", drive and in having a passion for hiking or a passionate relationship.  St. John, certainly had a passion for his mission and did not hold back in "preparing the way of the Lord."  He told it "like it was" to all who came to hear him, and certainly did that to Herod in denouncing his adulterous relationship with Herodias, his brother's wife.  His passionate outcry cost him imprisonment and later, his life, and as such, he  became a model for the martyrs of yesterday and today.  And a model as well  for us to stand up and live our beliefs without compromise no matter what the cost to reputation or job or "popularity"  May he bless us with his courage and strength of conviction and enable us to speak out when we are challenged or when circumstances demand it
Bro. Rene

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