Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Losing Nothing

Because of his great love for us, Jesus wishes that nothing, and no one in this marvelous world be lost.  He welcomes children, he likens himself to the shepherd who leaves all to fine ONE lost sheep, he heals the ill and forgives sinners.  He leaves no stone unturned to make sure everyone has a chance to know and receive his love.  If we could look into the eyes of Jesus, we'd see that they are so full of love that they are watery as he sees into us and welcomes even our most nonchalant prayer or minute act of kindness.  His love, as the song goes, keeps lifting us higher than we've ever been before.  Let us take some time today to look into those eyes and thank him for his personal care, interest and love.
We'll find that our prayers begin to come from a deeper place in our hearts, and our acts of kindness reverberate with the love we have for him.
Bro. Rene

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