Monday, March 30, 2020

The Power of Forgiveness

As we look at the story of the woman taken in adultery (Jn 8: 1-11), we see two approaches:  that of strict adherence to the Law, which required stoning the woman to death, or the approach of Jesus: not condemnation or punishment, but compassion and forgiveness.  The former led nowhere except to death, and the latter, to a renewed life and a relationship with Jesus. There's no comparison..
In our own dealings with ourselves and others,  forgiveness is the key to building or rebuilding relationships with one another and with God. A teacher often finds that approaching a "difficult" student with understanding, respect, compassion and forgiveness yields better results than slamming punishment on him or her. It's the way of Jesus; it is bound to work.
Bro. Rene

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