Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Humility Is Truth

St. Thomas Aquinas gave us this fact, "humiltas veritas", "Humility is truth,"succinct, yet with a depth beyond these two words.  We heard it often in days gone by, but not so much today, as the question, "Quid est vertias?" (What is truth?)  from the lips of Pontius Pilate (Jn 18:38) seems more relevant now with today's mass murder of the truth from politicians to the media. "Humility is admitting that God is God and I am not", Bishop Robert Barron poignantly states.  It is, however, the reality of who I am, with gifts and weaknesses, dreams and disappointments, and a generous spirit that puts itself at the service of others.  It sees self as who it truly is, and others as they truly are and accepts both.  Jesus describes it aptly in Matthew 23: 1-12, summing it up in his oft-quoted "Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, but whoever humbles himself will be exalted." (Mt 23;12).  May we live humbly the truth of who we are so that God may exalt us.
Bro .Rene

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