Saturday, September 28, 2019

His Impending Death

Today's brief excerpt from St. Luke, (:43b-45) finds Jesus telling his disciples about his being "handed over", but they did not understand.  Yes, who would have expected this good man who brought so much healing, wisdom about living, love and forgiveness would be betrayed?  Yet, that was his mission, the reason why he was born, and he was attempting to prepare his loyal friends for this fatal turn of events. They were afraid to delve deeper, probably harboring some degree of denial
We don't know our future, and if we did, we'd probably react the same way. We do know, that as disciples of Jesus, we have a mission and are called to participate in his suffering, rejection, and death to some extent, even to a martyr's death. May we beware of fear and denial, but, like Jesus embrace our own "emptying" or "handing over"  with and for love as he did.
Bro. Rene

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