Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Acting on God''s Word

When Jesus was told that his mother and family wanted to see him, he replied, "My  mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it." (Lk 8:21)  Both hearing and acting require effort.  To listen with attentiveness, taking in the Word, digesting it, siting with it until it rumbles through our entire being, is not done when we are half distracted with other things.  Look back at any Mass, Worship or Bible Service we've attended.  How many side-bar thoughts ran through our minds at any given moment? If someone asked what the readings were, what was said in the homily or sermon, we wouldn't score very high, would we?  And, most likely, we'd score even lower on the scale of how we acted on what we heard.  Thank God for his infinite patience with us!
We're never down and out permanently, so we keep trying and once in awhile some things do  click.  Practicing attentiveness throughout the day will help us pay better attention to the Word, when we hear it; and hearing it this way will help us more readily act on it.
Bro. Rene

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