Monday, August 19, 2019

What Am I Lacking?

When the Rich Young Man approached Jesus about what he must do to gain eternal life, Jesus told him to keep the commandments, which the man already did. Something was missing:  "What do I still lack?" (Mt 19: 20).  What further must he do?  The answer was not easy:  Sell all, give to the poor and follow Jesus.  He couldn't do attached was he to his goods, to his lifestyle. (cf. Mt 19: 21-22).
So often we look at ourselves and ask the same question about doing more, feeling that lack of completion, satisfaction, total contentment.  But when we hear this answer...sell, give and follow...we come to a complete stop. We can't do it either.  What to do?  Pray for the strength to take the next steps, and take them one at a time.  Inch by inch, we'll get to our goal...We must keep moving toward it, and as we do, we'll find what we are lacking.
Bro Rene

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