Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Jesus Explains

How patient Jesus was with his own disciples, taking time to explain his parables. testing and strengthening their faith over and over by calming storms, walking on water, raising the dead, showing himself on Mt. Tabor.  If he had to work so hard with his chosen band, how much more did it take for those huge crowds of followers to understand?  Most likely, some never did.  And then, how much more do we need his explanations, his "visuals", his "in your face" annoyance with our slowness to respond knowingly?  As a test, let's see how we do among "the weeds" today (assuming we are the wheat, though sometimes it's hard to distinguish). Do we show patience?  Confidence that in the end they will be separated and thrown into the fire? What is Jesus trying to explain to me today?
Bro Rene

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