Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Obey and Teach

 (Note:  Please pray for the repose of the soul of Ryan Driscoll, a Central Catholic Junior who died an an auto accident on Saturday...His family needs lots of prayers, love and support... Please pray also for the success of Camp Champagnat, a leadership camp which begins today and runs to Friday...With prayer, all is possible.)

Jesus did not come to eliminate the Old Law, but to fulfill it. (cf. Mt 5:17).  He simplified the body of over 640 laws and even the 10 commandments to two:  Love God above all else, and neighbor as self.  Breaking even the least of commandments reduces a person to the position of "least" but obeying them and teaching others about them makes one great. (Mt 5:19).  Simple?  Then let's just do it!
Bro. Rene

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