Friday, June 14, 2019

Avoiding the Near Occasions of Sin

Jesus used hyperbole to stress the importance of maintaining order in our lives and avoiding sin, for he does not want us to water down the sin itself nor the subtle paths that lead to it  So, if the eye, what we look at, leads us to sin, "pluck out the eye" (Mt 5: 28). That is, take the eye off the enticement.  In our current world, a tap on a computer key, a click on a photo that comes up in You Tube, can lead us to a world of images that might easily transfer into our own behaviors.  No, best not to tap or click, and quickly move to something else....the song or movie we were originally looking for in You Tube.  If we flood our minds with inappropriate thoughts or images, it seems they never leave and pop up all the time. We have accumulate enough junk in the attic of our memories. let's not add more.
Bro. Rene

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