Saturday, April 28, 2018

Where Are We?

As we approach the end of April this week and move closer toward the Ascension on May 10th, and Pentecost on May 29th, we might stop and ask where are in the midst of the Ester Season?  Is our life any different after the good works and resolutions of Lent?  It's easy after five weeks to slip back into our "old" ways...busyness, distractions, fading will power.  Not time for another Lent already is it?  We might examine our daily routines, and tighten up where we've loosened up.  If we can't clone the good self we were during Lent, we might at least ask ourselves if we are enjoying "where we are now". and if not, then try to put a little more "alleluia" into what we must do in our "move" world.
Bro. Rene

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