Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Hearing His Voice

As innocent and cuddly as sheep appear, they can be stubborn and obstinate, "dumb", fickle and loyal simultaneously. When Jesus said,  "My sheep hear my voice; I know them and they follow me," (Jn 10:27)  he knew what he was talking about...Sheep will not answer to a stranger's voice, and yes, a shepherd knows each one of his sheep as an individual, even though they all look alike.
Similarly, despite our stubbornness, obstinacy, stupidity and fickleness, he knows us, loves us, and remains more loyal to us than we to him. We are the sheep of his flock; he tends us with loving care even when we run from him or hide from him. When we think of what we make him put up with, of how we ignore his voice,  it is humbling, making us cringe with shame at times, and certainly aware or our need for his mercy as well as our need for gratitude.
We might want to Google a picture of the Good Shepherd, if we don't have one, and just look at it and let it speak to us.  We might hear his voice for a change, and might open a helpful conversation.
Bro. Rene

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