Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Seed Is Jesus

The familiar parable of the Sower and the Seed (Mk 4: 1-20)comes to us today to provide food for our reflection, and fittingly, for avid gardeners in parts of the United States have already begun to start plants from seed in their homes by sunny windows..  It's always astounding that only days after planting, little shoots spring up and then just "take off" from there.  Transplanted into proper beds, weeded and watered, they bear fruit or flowers in due time.  In due time...there's the key.  The growth of the Word within us takes time.  Our relationship with the Word, Jesus, takes a lifetime to reach full fruition.  Those who sow the seed, teachers, preachers need patience.
St. Francis de Sales, whose memorial we observe today spent three years preaching, even knocking on doors and  made no converts.  He lived an austere life, devoting himself totally to the Word, but it was only when he began to put his thoughts into simple writings and slipping them under doors that the seed that he was sowing  broke open.  He is credited with 40,000 conversions!
 The Word is powerful, Jesus is powerful.  We need to have confidence in that power and patience that in due time, the Seed will blossom.
Bro. Rene.

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