Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Attentive to Details

At the end of today's spectacular Gospel narrating the cure of the hemorrhaging woman and the daughter of Jairus, stories of compassion, faith and trust, we catch a glimpse of the Jesus who is more attentive to details than we might suspect.  "and said that she should be given something to eat." (Mk 5:43).  Yes, he realized that the "come-back-to-life kid" might be hungry after all those days of illness.
Doesn't this warm the heart to know that Jesus, after bringing the girl back to life, would also be attentive to such a minute detail?...but that's Jesus,  that's our loving God in action. Sometimes we hesitate to ask for small things, thinking that God only takes care of the big ones, but not so, evidently. May we feel more and more comfortable with the God who feeds us and cares for us better than we take care of ourselves. And may we try to be as attentive to those with whom we live and work.
Bro. Rene

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