Thursday, December 22, 2016

Giving and Receiving

Mary's Magnificat constitutes today's Gospel reading and causes us to pause at her reaction to the major change in her plans as she responded a total YES to Gabriel's invitation.  She gave herself, everything she could have held dear, including her position in the life of Joseph and their plans for marriage. Yet, God filled her with such joy and completeness that indeed she could claim that her soul "magnified the Lord."  She came to deeper understanding of his greatness and her humble, yet exalted place in his sight.  As gave of her self, and in return, she received the gift of becoming the Mother of Jesus, the Mother of God, opening the door to salvation for us all.
The pattern continues in our own lives, for it seems, the more we give of ourselves, the MORE God compensates, usually, OVERCOMPENSATES!  How often have we been overwhelmed by his generous gifts?  A recent example in my own life has been the sabbatical in Italy.  It took a disciplined push to "leave all behind"  for two months, but the gift of inner peace and renewal has more than made up for the "loss".  Anyone underdoing a knee replacement endures some pain and immobility for awhile, but the gains fare outweigh the inconvenience. Let us ponder with Mary today how God has worked his pattern of giving and receiving with us.
Bro. Rene

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