Friday, December 23, 2016

Breaking His Silence

Nine months after the Angel Gabriel's announcement regarding the birth of a child late in life to him and his wife, Elizabeth, the muted Zechariah wrote, "his name is John," as directed by Gabriel, and began to speak again. Breaking his silence, he extolled God and his plan in what has become "The Benedictus", a canticle now sung or recited every morning the in Divine Office.  "Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, who has come to his people and set them free." (Lk 1:68).  He captures the prophetic  mission of his son in a few words and sets the stage for mercy, freedom from fear, the forgiveness of sins, salvation, and compassion, themes which will permeate the preaching of this child and of his cousin, Jesus. 
This canticle is also a call to us to break our silence, speak up and continue the ministry of John by our own words and actions: to live our lives according to the message of John and Jesus, remembering that "actions speak louder than words." How can we do this TODAY and with John, "prepare the way" for the birth of Jesus?
Bro. Rene

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