Monday, January 25, 2016


Conversion is an on-going, life-occupying process.  We've just finished the Advent/Christmas Cycle which began with John the Baptist's cry to repent, turn to God, and in two weeks we'll be entering the season of Lent, when a major push is made to purify and redirect our lives in preparation for Easter.  40 days of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. today we focus on a dramatic call to conversion as we celebrate the Conversion of St. Paul. Jesus evidently wanted Paul to work for him, not against him, as he had been doing and forcibly called for a change of heart and mission. It took a bright light, which brought Paul to his knees, and the voice of Jesus indicating that his persecution of Christians was a direct attack on him, to stop him in his tracks and begin the process of conversion. Blinded for awhile, as he had been blind in his anti-Christian behavior, he saw the error of his behavior and submitted to the command to find Ananias, who prayed over him and restored his sight.  It was two our three years before Paul actually began his energetic preaching career.  What went on during this interim?  No doubt further study of the Scriptures, prayer and reflection, and meeting members of the Christian community.  His letters and preaching as recorded in ACTS, indicate a solid, well-thought out understanding of what it means to be a follower of Jesus.  He continues to teach us today and to stir up in us a passion for the Gospel, for truth, for self-less discipleship, and for the on-going conversion to which we are called daily.
Bro. Rene.

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