Monday, December 21, 2015

The Radiant Dawn

This year a bit of irony or poetic justice occurs as the "O Antiphon", O Oriens, O Radiant Dawn, O Dayspring, falls on the Winter Solstice, the shortest day, the longest night.  At the time of greatest darkness we look to the Rising Dawn, the splendor of eternal Light and the Sun of Justice to come and illuminate us who "sit in darkness and the shadow of death."   We are reminded of John's Prologue, What came to be through him was life, and this life was the light of the human race; the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. (Jn 1: 2-3) As frightening as darkness may be for some, it is in the darkness that most often a clarity of thought, a solution to a problem, a memory retrieved, an idea for a story or invention, a moment of union with God in gratuitous contemplation.  And, or course, Jesus, the Light of the World was born in a dark stable and immediately the heavens were filled with choirs of angels, illumined by the Star which drew the Wise Men to Bethlehem.  Yes, the Light will always overcome the darkness; no need for us to fret or brush it off as wishful thinking.  It IS the truth.  Light prevails and will prevail.
O Rising Dawn, splendor of eternal Light and Sun of Justice, come and illuminate those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death.
Bro. Rene

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