Friday, December 18, 2015

Our Leader

The second "O Antiphon" addresses "Adonai"...the substitute for YHWH, the name God gave to Moses from the burning bush, such a sacred name that it could never be fully written out nor pronounced on the lips.  We would use the term, Lord, as the translation for Adonai.  The antiphon continues, "Dux domus Israel"--leader of the house of Israel. He is seen as  the "giver of the law and the rescuer of Israel because of his mighty power."  He is a STRONG leader, one who loves order, structure and obedience to rules and regulations.  Indeed this leader is the author of the Ten Commandments, from which sprung hundreds of laws that eventually got in the way of  relationship with him.  Jesus arrives as the true leader who frees his followers from the bondage of  these multiple laws and simplifies them into two great commandments founded on love:  love of God and love of neighbor.  Jesus is the true leader of the house of Israel, of which we are members by our baptism and faith.  He leads from a position of love which engenders respect, inspiration and joyful obedience.  His power is based on who he is, rather than on a show of power.  It is this kind of leadership that rescues us.
O Leader of the House of Israel,
giver of the Law to Moses on Sinai:
come to rescue us with your mighty power.   
Bro. Rene

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