Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Not A Hair Shall Perish

Nothing that we do can be ignored by the God who cherishes even one hair among those thousands (millions?) which adorn our scalps.  We never think this way, but Jesus make it clear that if one of these is precious in the sight of God, then how much more are we ourselves? See Lk 21:18.  So we fret about "beating the snow", getting all that we planned done before the storm, traveling to and from our Thanksgiving destinations, etc.  Yet time and time again, we learn that in the end, everything is all right, it all works out, or better, God works it out in a way that surpasses our most intricately detailed plan.  We don't see ourselves as so valuable, that God would be concerned with our "petty plans", but if he is committed to preserving even just one hair, he will take care of the rest.  Perhaps we need to meditate on our hair to remind ourselves of God's everlasting and unconditional love, care, and protection.  Let us proceed in peace to accept all that will unfold this day and at the end thank God for working things out so well for us.
Bro. Rene

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