Thursday, November 13, 2014

Missionary Dynamo

Frances Cabrini a "sickly" child grew into one of the most dynamic missionaries of the 20th century.
Refused by other orders because of her poor health, she helped her family on their farm in the Lombardi region of Italy.  The parish priest asked her to become a catechist, and loving this work, she gathered other young women to help her.  These became the first Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and she became known as Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini.  She took the name, Xavier, because she wanted to evangelize China as did St, Francis Xavier, whose intent was left unfulfilled because of his untimely death.  Pope Leo, XIII, however directed Mother Cabrini and her sisters to head West instead of East., and thus she arrived in New York City in 1889 to work among the Italian immigrants.  She founded an Orphanage in West Park, NY on land that evidently had no water.  She planted a medal, a lo, a well digger found water in that spot.  This was one of the many miracles she worked, as her Order spread as far west as Denver, and south through Central and South America.  A little slip of a woman, her small stature belied the magnitude of her faith and love.  She serves as an example to those who work in Catholic education and healthcare.
In a world in which once stalwart Catholic countries are losing members, where so many of today's Catholics are foggy about their faith and even the existence of God, the work of the missionary is needed as much now as in any time past.  It so happens that our CCHS freshmen will be making a one-day retreat today, where we hope to lift the fog and help them to come to know and love Jesus a bit better. .
Your prayers, as well as the intercession of St. Francis Xavier Cabrini are needed!  Thank youl
Bro. Rene

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