Saturday, November 2, 2013

Praying for the Deceased

It has long been a practice to offer prayers for the deceased, in the belief that the final stage of the journey home to God needs the support of our love expressed though our prayers and actions to help the purification process reach completion.  In this final month of the Year of Faith, we might put our faith into practice by praying for the souls in Purgatory, especially the most forgotten ones.  This is a secular age in which we live, and many have grown accustomed to living their lives for immediate pleasure and gratification, with no thought even to the possibility of an after-life. I often wonder what an awakening awaits them after their final breath.  Believing in God's infinite love and mercy, we trust that even a small spark or ember of faith would be enough to trigger the process of purification, and that with our prayers and sacrifices, these souls will eventually enter into the fullness of life in heaven. All Souls Day is focused on the Faithful Departed and the whole month of November continues the prayers begun today.  Let us make the souls in purgatory our special intention this month..
Bro. Rene

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