Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Reform, Make-Over

TV shows on "make overs", whether it be homes, wardrobes, weight loss, plastic surgery, make-up hints, seemed to have thrived, at least for a time, as they appeal to that inner voice which is never satisfied with what is there, but is always calling us to do something to our house or our body, to make it more like someone else's. And then there's that inner judge who looks at the actions of others and condemns them for being less than they, in our eyes, should be.  We'd like to "make them over."  We are born reformers. And this instinct can be a very good thing, provided that we realize that the beginning of all reform is with ourselves!  As quick as we are to judge the actions of others, we are the last to realize that what we are criticizing in them, we are guilty of ourselves. St. Paul reminds us of this in his letter to the Romans:  "You, O man, are without excuse, every one of you who passes judgement.  For by the standard by which you judge another, you condemns yourself, since you, the judge, do the very same things."  (Rm 2: 1). We hate hypocrisy, but have to be careful about being hypocrites ourselves.  The best way is to look within, admit what we see, and allow God to fix it with his grace and power. We do this by remembering that God is our creator; all that we have is from him (the same for others); he wants what is best for us, and will help us become the best version of ourselves if we let him do our "make-over."
Bro. Rene

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