Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Our Guardian Angels

Despite the rampant secularism that plagues our world, or the increasing number of people who claim to be atheists, there seems to be a prevailing and unconquerable fascination with angels.  Walk into any gift shop or Hallmark store, and find scores of angel statuettes on the shelves.  Even in books stores such as Barnes and Noble's there are shelves of books about angels. The longing for some connection to the "spiritual word" or the world beyond our experience, cannot be snuffed out, it seems. 
Today is devoted to the Guardian Angels; Each one of us has one, according to St. Basil the Great:  "each and every member of the faithful has a Guardian Angel to guard, and guide them through life."  In the Old Testament, they appear as messengers who make known God's will. In Genesis, they deliver Lot and his family from Sodom.  In Daniel 10: Michael appears in human form to guide Daniel.
How often have we been "prompted" to call a relative or friend and found that they were ill, or in need of a good word from us?  Have you ever hesitated without any logical reason before coming to an intersection, and been saved by seconds as someone runs the stop sign?  Or a delay in changing lanes on an interstate allows a car which was in that famous "blind spot" to appear before we swing into the lane?  It has happened to me many times, and I know it's my angel.  I thank him, and praise him for his fidelity to his task of protecting me.  At night, I often thank him for the many times during the day when he's obviously been doing his job, and apologize for being such a needy Klutz. 
We learned the Prayer to the Guardian Angels as children; now would be a good time to pray it:
Angel of God, My guardian dear,
To whom God's lover permits me here,
Be ever at my side to light and guard,
to rule and guide. Amen
Bro. Rene

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