Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Jesus recommends fasting along with prayer as a means of casting out evil spirits.   We often think of protesters fasting for causes, or prisoners on a hunger strike, or simply surviving for a time on bread and water, so the word fasting becomes distasteful and we avoid putting into practice.  But it can be simpler, and still effective, and, more importantly go unnoticed before the eyes of others.  We can abstain from certain foods, especially those we really like; go without seasoning (salt and pepper, for example); eating what we normally dislike; foregoing desserts; eating considerably less at meals.  While doing this, we feel some "pinch" as a reminder that we are in the tradition of the prophets, Jesus, his disciples and great saints of the past.  We are also giving ourselves the opportunity to grow in understanding of the poor and hungry, and become more disposed to share our bounty with them.  We can also experience a cleansing of our bad habits, increase our emphasis on the virtues of patience, generosity, hospitality, etc. and find joy in knowing that we have done something concrete for God.
Bro. Rene
Yesterday's slice of daily bread should appear today.

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