Thursday, January 17, 2013

Poverty of Spirit

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." (Mt 5:3).  Poverty of spirit, one of the essential foundation stones of the spiritual life, and especially key for Marists.  Some of the saints of the past have done astounding things in seeking to live out this beatitude: St. Antony the Great, for example, who, upon hearing the Gospel story of the rich young man, set aside enough of the family wealth to care for his sisters, gave the rest to the poor and retreated to a life of solitude and poverty in the deserts of Egypt.  After 20 years of seculsion, he was discovered and hundreds came to join him to follow his example. 
St. Marcellin and our early brothers, though not desert dwellers, nevertheless, "left all behind" so that they could give their all to the young children entrusted to them.  Had they not been poor in spirit, they could not have endured the material poverty in which they lived.
Today we have become so accustomed to having "everything", more than we need, and the idea of living as simply as Antony or our first brothers is a challenge that is beyond the reach of most of us.  Yet, there are ways of keeping the spirit of poverty and simplicity that are within our grasp.  A trip through our closets, attics, cellars and garages might reveal a gold mine of things we haven't used for years and thus don't really need, which could fulfll the needs of someone else.  If we have even an ounce of poverty of spirit, or detachment, we can part with these things and share them with those who have less.  Perhaps this "trip" might be a weekend or on-going project, one which will free us up to grow into a poverty of spirit which might lead to a more generous sharing of our time, talent and treasure as well.  We will find we have less for ourselves, yet more in living the spirit of the beatitude and of the greats who have set the example for us.
Bro. Rene

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