Sunday, January 6, 2013

"Following Yonder Star"

We are all familiar with the rousing Christmas Carol,  We Three Kings of Orient Are whose muscially stirring chorus, O Star of Wonder, Star of Night, Lead us to thy Perfect Light" sung by a men's chorus can easily get the adrenaline flowing. It also contains the basic truths that underlie this great Solemnity of the Epiphany. The Light of Christ is revealed to all, Jews and Gentiles alike.  The star represents this light who is Christ and leads us to salvation.  Like the Magi, we are called to pay attention to the "signs of God's purpose", and to move on them, despite the cost or because of unnecessary fears of anxieties, or even laziness, if we are to grow in our spiritual lives.  We will encounter oppostion from the Herods who cross our paths, and we can be tempted to discouragement as we look at the darkness of history or of the current day, but there is "another way to return home"   Jose Pagola writes: "Christians do not believe in any kind of new Messiansim.  So they are not prone to any disappointment.  The world is not a 'desparate case'.  It is not in complete darkness. The world is not only evil and thus needs to change; the world is reconciled to God and can change.  One day, God will be the end of exile and darkness, and there will be total light.  Today, however, we see him only in a humble star leading us to Bethlehem." --Following in the Footsteps of Jesus, p. 41.  Let us then sing with gusto, O Star of Wonder Star of Night, Lead us to thy Perfect Light."
Bro. Rene

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