Monday, November 19, 2012

Looking Up to the Mountains

Psalm 121 begins with a look at the mountains:  I will lift up my eyes to the mountains/ From where shall my help come? (Ps 121: 1). Older translations leave out the question mark and make it declarative:  "from thence comes my help.  But all translations affirm that My help comes from the Lord, / Who made heaven and earth. (Ps 121: 2)  Anyone who has looked at a mountain cannot deny that it is truly an awesome, beautiful is might and strength in an undeniablly visible form, and could easily be seen as a source of strength.  Because a mountain allows us to come closer to the heavens, it has been a traditional place of worship, or for the Oglala Lakota, the site of a "vision quest", a four-day experience of listening to the voice of God.  Any mountain climber knows the challenges a mountain offers, and the exhilirartion that comes from reaching the summit.  Yet it is from beyond the mountain that help comes.  It is the Creator of the mountain who is the real source of strength and ultimate satisfaction.  Reaching the heights of God himself is our real goal and purpose.  May we not be led astray by the mountains of materialism or false values. Let us keep focus our eyes beyond these mountains.
Bro. Rene

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