Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Giving at Thanksgiving

With more people on "hard times" this year, pantries and soup kitchens are being stretched beyond what they thought were their limits.  One pantry in Boston is even given chickens, instead of turkeys, because they are cheaper and will go futher to meet the need.  People are rising to the occasion, and see this as an opportunity not to give because "I am better off than you," but because "you and I are really in the same boat"...totally dependent on God and others for what we have and what we need.  Givers usually have a hard time receiving, or accepting their dependence on others, so it's helpful to put oneself in the shoes of the receiver and realize what humility is needed to be a receiver.  In so doing, we receive a valuable lesson, one that can help us become more cheerful, less focused on ourselves as we give, and more centered on the good achieved in the lives of the receivers.  Lord, banish all self-centeredness from my heart, and help me to see myself as a receiver, especially from you, the giver of all good gifts.  In that spirit, let me more willingly and cheerfully give to others and in so doing acknowledge my gratitude to you.  Amen.
Bro. Rene

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