Monday, August 6, 2012

Listen To Him

This day, the glory of the Transfiugred Christ comes to us in a major Feast as we join Peter, James and John on "a high mountain" (traditionallty, Mt. Tabor in Galilee).  The face of Jesus shone like the sun and his garments were dazzling white; Peter was confused and terrified, aware only that something magnificent was taking place before him, and conscious of the feeling in his heart, as when two people express their love for each other--a moment they wish to cling to forever--made him blurt out the proposition to build three tents for Jesus and his two guests.  The answer came from a cloud, the sign of God's presence, that "This is my beloved son; listen to him." (Mt 9: 5 )   Writing about the event years later, a more mature and seasoned Peter confirms the reality of the vision  and urges his readers to be attentive to it as "to a lamp shining in a dark place until day dawns the morning star rises in [our] hearts."  (Peter 19).  It is a matter not only of listening to Jesus, which we can do at Mass, with the Bible and in our own private prayer, but also of living like Jesus.  Imitating his ways of dealing with people, learning what is so different about his message and his behavior.  I highly recommend the book, Jesus, by Jose Pagola, where this Jesus comes forth as never before.
Bro. Rene

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