Wednesday, April 11, 2012

NCEA Convention

Beginning today, Catholic Educators from around the country will converge at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston share ideas, approaches and to address some of the major issues facing Catholic schools today. Several people will be recognized for their outstanding contributions to Catholic education as well. The Central Catholic A Capella Choir, Central Harmony, will sing at the opening Mass and several teachers will attend.
As Marist Educators, we face a constant challenge of how best to present the basics of our faith to each generation in a world of constantly shifting values and influences. Classroom instruction is one venue, but somehow the treasure of Christ's teachings must permeate the entire atmosphere of the school: how we treat one another, how we communicate, how we coach, how we discipline, how we involve students in service to others, how we pray and worship, how we reinforce the values learned and practiced in the family, or in some cases, how we encourage families to practice the faith. It's what we are about, why we are here. and why we constantly seek through prayer and conventions such as the NCEA to improve what we are doing. Lord, as we continue to celebrate your resurrection, let us with the zeal and passion of your first disciples, continue to spread the Good News with the assurance that you are still with us. Amen.

Bro. Rene

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