Sunday, February 12, 2012

Healing Low Self-esteem

As we continue to reflect on the World Day of the Sick, we look at another area, less obvious, that needs healing. A phrase from today's Gospel story of the healing of a leper (Mk 1:40-50) leaps out: "he (Jesus) stretched out his hand, touched him...." (Mk 1: 41). When was the "unclean" bell-ringing leper last touched by a non-leper? That action alone must have given him the thought, "this man really cares, this man is not afraid of me." Already a boost in self-esteem from this recognition and this touch. Then comes the actual physical healing. No wonder he left Jesus "publicizing" the cure, even though Jesus had admonished him not to.
In our dealings with those in whom we see a lack of self-esteem, a simple gesture of "reaching out", bringing to their attention some quality we see, brings about a smile and the thought, "This person took the time to notice and to say something to me. I can't be all that bad." A smile comes to their face and an opportunity for even more uplifting in "What a beautiful smile you have. I'd like to see it more often" The next encounter begins with that smile, and the relationship, the healing relationship, continues to grow. It's simple and it works;I know from exprience.
Bro. Rene

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