Thursday, February 2, 2012

Candlemas Day

Every February 2nd, attention in the northeast (perhaps nationally), is given to "Punxsutawney Phil" from Punxsutawney, PA to determine how much winter is remaining. Today, he saw his shadow, which means six more weeks of "winter", whatever that means this year. Hype over him and the upcoming Super Bowl XLVI certainly overshadow the liturgical observance of The Presentation of the Lord, formerly known as The Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or Candlemas Day. In the old liturgical calendar, is signaled the end of the Christmas Cycle, for it commemorated the purification of Mary, as prescribed by Mosaic Law, as well as the consecration of the first-born male to God. The child was ransomed by the offering of a bull, or in the case of the poor, two turtle doves, or two pigeons. Mary and Joseph dutifully followed these precriptions, but to their amazement, Simeon, an elderly man who was filled with the Spirit and had been awaiting the coming of the Messiah, came to the temple and extoled God saying, "Now Lord, you may dismiss your servant in peace, for my eyes have seen the salvation you have prepared in the sight of all the peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people, Israel." (Lk 2: 29-32). Jesus came in Bethlehem as light and again reference is made to light, hence the blessing of the candles that will be used in the church for the next year, and for use in the homes of the parishoners.
More than just candlelight, the LIGHT...the presence of Jesus enlightens our hearts and enables us to be LIGHT for others, by our love, our faith, our hope, our compassion. As Jesus was consecrated to the Father, may our prayer today be one of consecration to be such examplars, missionaries, or in a word, candles of LIGHT. (and put Punxsutawney Phil and the Super Bowl in their rightful place).
Bro. Rene

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