Sunday, December 4, 2011

Revive Us Now

Fighting off a persistent cold can help us understand the dynamic that motivated the Psalmist and other spiritual writers to cry out rather impatiently, "How long, O Lord? I cry out for help/ but you do not listen." (Hb 1:2) Sleepless nights due to coughing, hacking, blowing, and spitting, tire us and reduce our energy, leaving us with no alternative, it seems, than to beg for relief. The repetition of the same sins, our inability to keep our Advent resolutions, or to find that extra minute for prayer, can be exasperating. "Revive us now, God our helper! we pray in Psalm 85: 5. A good prayer for us as we continue into this Second Week of Advent. As a cold runs its course and eventually disappears, we appreciate the relief and welcome change. The same is true on the spiritual level: our prayer for revival and new life will be answerd. Advent is a time of Promise, and it will be kept for us personally, as well as for the whole of mankind. Perhaps looking beyond our own personal shortcomings and turning our prayer to the needs of the world-at large, will help bring about the revival that we so desire. Persistence and patient waiting are the prescription for healing and return to health.
The Lord is waiting to show you favor,/and he rises to pity you;/ For the Lord is a God of justice: / blessed are all who wait for him!
O people of Zion, who dwell in Jerusalem,/ no more will you weep;/ He will be gracious to you when you cry out." (Is 30: 18-19).
Bro. Rene
Note: if you click on the blogspot at the bottom of the Daily Bread post,
a nicer version of it comes up. I smile at you.

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