Sunday, November 27, 2011

Return to Me

We have begun the season of Advent. Much ado has been made about the translation of the Mass, which is being inaugurated today, but let's not allow that to become a distraction from the purpose of the season: to prepare for the coming of Jesus. The word advent comes from the Latin, advenire, to come to. As St. Paul closes his first letter to the Corinthians, he says, "Our Lord, come!" (1 Cor 16: 22). Evidently there is some ambiguity here, for the Greek can mean, "the Lord has come" or it can be an invitation to the Lord to come. Advent is about both. The first two weeks, until December 16th, the focus is on the Second Coming, the Last Judgement Time, for which no one knows the day or the year. Then from December 17th, we look forward to the birth of Jesus, already a historical event, but remembered again, as we do with birthday celebrations. The Church encourages us to set aside some time to reflect on the meaning and goal of our lives: to live a life of love here on earth, and to spend eternity in the bosom of God's love. We are reminded that "we have not here a lasting city," and we look forward to the time when Jesus will say, "Come, blessed of my Father and inherit the Kingdom of heaven prepared for you from the foundation of the world." (Mat 25: 34). We tend to stray from this path, so the words of the prophet Malachi help us to re-focus: "Return to me, and I will return to you, says the Lord of hosts." (Mal 3:7). In Tobit we read,
"When you turn back to him with all your heart,
to do what is right before him,
then he will turn back to you,
and no longer hide his face from you." (Tobit 13:6).
Praying over the rich texts of the weekday liturgies, some small sacrifice, as a simple meal once a week with the "savings" being given to a favorite charity, might help us make the necessary return and provide a place for Jesus in the inn of our hearts at Christmas. Lord, soften my heart and strengthen my will. Amen.
Bro. Rene

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