Sunday, April 3, 2011

Seeing Is Believing

Is seeing believing? There are at least two levels of blindness: physical and then spiritual. Jesus cures a man blind from birth, restoring his sight at first, and then calling him to see even deeper on the spiritual level. "'Do you believe in the Son of Man?" He answered and said, "'Who is he, sir, that I may believe in him?' Jesus said to him, 'You have seen him and the one speaking with you is he.' He said, 'I do believe, Lord,' and he worshiped him. Then Jesus said to him, 'I have come to judge the world. I have come to give sight to the blind and to show those who think they see that they are blind.'" (Jn 9: 35-39). The Pharisees who opposed Jesus and questioned the man born blind saw with their eyes, but their hearts were blind and prevented them from seeing the Son of Man. The blind man, now with the eyes of faith, saw Jesus as the Son of Man. Seeing was believing. Lord, keep me from spiritual blindness that I may see with the eyes of faith who you are and where you are in my life. Help me to see you as I pray, as I receive the Holy Eucharist and cradle you in my heart, as I greet all with the welcome and love you greet me. Open my sometimes blind eyes that I may see with the eyes of the man born blind, and believe, believe, believe. Amen.

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