Thursday, December 2, 2010

"Love Without Borders"

Doctors Without Borders, Dentists, Chemists, Engineers...all kinds of professions are getting on board the borderless train to help make this world a better place. The readings from Isaiah during Advent focus on the kingdom of peace of the future where the lion and lamb share the same grassy bed (Is 11:1-9). It's an innate dream that all peoples share. A young Marist student, Victor Hugo, age 13 from Paraguay provides a succinct, current description to match the poetry of Isaiah: "For me, the vision of a new world means a world where war is declared not against another human being, but against hunger, poverty, corruption and ignorance.
A new world is what is built thanks to anonymous heroes who struggle day by day despite rain, fatigue or cold and help others no matter their social standing or race; and don't have automatic weapons or bombs but a LOVE WITHOUT BORDERS."
May we join those "anonymous heroes" today to bring love to all, and help make the visions of Isaiah and Victor a reality.
Bro. Rene

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