Thursday, December 30, 2010

Anna and Contemplation

On this sixth day of the Octave of Christmas, the 365th slice of Daily Bread, and the second last day of the year, our thoughts are focused on the prophetess, Anna, whom Mary and Joseph encountered when they presented Jesus in the Temple, eight days after his birth. This octogenarian had spent all of her widowed life in prayerful contemplation. "She never left the temple, but woshiped night and day with fasting and prayer." (Lk 2:37). Monks and cloistered nuns follow to some degree this regimen, but we in the "active life" are reminded by their example of the necessity for prayer, reflection and fasting in our own lives. For a year now, we have been reflecting on Marist Spirituality, and growth in the spiritual life in general; the two cannot really be separated. As we look back, as well as look ahead, has our vision become more focused and more perceptive, that like Anna, we can see clearly who the "Child" is, and speak openly about him "to all who are awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem: (cf. Lk 2:38). I always like to take these last days of the year to page through my journal, or just sit back and look at the year to see how God has revealed himself, how much closer we've become, and to give thanks for ALL. What I always seem to discover is God's unfailing presence and love and the amazing strength he has given me to get through what seemed "impossible". This helps me to proceed to the New Year with confidence and assurance that the surprises that lie ahead need not be undaunting, but further opportunities to grow closer and more secure in my relationship with this all-loving, eternally faithfull and compassionate God-Friend. May Anna's example help us to find a place for contemplation, fasting, and worship so that we can more easily recognize God's loving presence in our lives.
Bro. Rene

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