Friday, March 12, 2010

Fridays and Fasting

Because Jesus died on a Friday, the Church has always looked upon this as the perfect day to do some form of penance. For centuries, we were obligated to abstain from meat, but after the Vatican Council, the individual was to determine what form of sacrifice or penance he or she would perform. During Lent, however, meatless Fridays are again the norm. As we follow this mandate, can we also find some other area where we can do some penance in view of the enormous outpouring of love-through-suffering that Jesus gave us on the cross, laying down his life for us? Perhaps attending Mass at noon or this evening; a more thoughtful praying of the Rosary, meditating on the Sorrowful Mysteries, or taking the time to pray the Stations of the Cross at church this evening or even just at home with a Stations prayer book, could be included in our prayer today. Could we forego a favorite TV program and use the time instead for meditation on the Passion, using the accounts in the Gospels to help us?
Could we do without our accustomed morning coffee? or desert? Could we do something extra special for someone in need? Whatever we choose, the idea would be to dig down and do something that "pinches", in order to feel to some extent the pain that Jesus endured as he embraced and kissed the cross he carried and on which he died. "Thank God it's Friday" has become a cultural catch-phrase, mainly because it is the last day of the work week, but truly, we can say Thank God it's Friday...the day that secured our redemption. Let's show Jesus that we are grateful.
Bro. Rene

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