Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Forgiveness is a two way street. "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against. us." When Jesus taught us this prayer, which we say daily, he was echoing the wisdom of the Hebrew Scriptures. "Forgive you neighbor's injustice;/then when you pray, your own sins will be forgiven.
"Should a man nourish anger against his fellow/ and expect healing from the Lord?/ Should a man refuse mercy to his fellows,/ yet seek pardon for his own sins?" (Sirach 28: 2-4). If forgiveness is to be genuine there must be reconciliation, that is and agreement on BOTH sides to pardon, pick up, and move on in harmony. It is just not an intellectual forgiveness, but one that comes from the heart and can often result in a stronger bond between the two and a deep, abiding joy.
When we ask forgiveness of God, we need to be ready to forgive our neighbor, a small price to pay for the grace of divine mercy and forgiveness. O Lord, have mercy on me a sinner, and grant me the grace to forgive those who have offended me.
Bro. Rene

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