Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Unclean Spirits

Mark relates the cleansing of an unclean spirit in the synagogue where Jesus was teaching. (Mk 1:14-20).  It is interesting that this first encounter with a demon is in a holy place.  But, often, isn't it the case that in a church or at Mass the most unclean fantasies run through our imaginations?  Even sacred space, it seems, doesn't have enough power to protect us form the onslaught of the Evil One.  Wisely we pray with the words of Pope Leo XIII, "St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in the battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snare of the devil." The demon prowls about the world anywhere and everywhere seeking the ruin of souls.  Be it noted that he (or they) attack the fortress rather than the unprotected open spaces, knowing that what lies within the citadel is the prey that matters most.  We might be flattered to be so attacked, but it's not a pleasant experience. With the aid of St. Michael invoking the power of God, however, we can rebuke the unclean spirit and cry victory...until the next attack!  They end only after we've been cold and dead for 15 minutes!
Bro. Rene

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