Monday, January 15, 2018

Living In The Present

So often we find ourselves preoccupied with "What comes next?", "How will this happen?" "Where/when will the money I need come?" "Am I on the right path?"  "What more should I be doing?"  We could drive ourselves crazy. 
In Act 5, scene 2, Hamlet says,  "the readiness is all." We beg permission of the Bard of Avon for a paraphrase below which might bring us peace of mind.
When confronted by the Pharisees about why he and his disciples did not fast, Jesus compared his presence among them as the bridegroom at whose wedding the guests would not think of fasting...not at a wedding!  The timing is all.  There is a time for fasting, but certainly not at a wedding!  Christianity teaches us to find joy, to be joyful in the present moment and to let God handle the future.  A young Notre Dame graduate, John McMackin '16, said it well (Faith ND for January 15, 2018):
We have been given the great gift of time to draw closer to our Creator and Redeemer by giving ourselves more and more to God. The present is a gift, gratuitously given—one that calls for thanksgiving and sanctification to God. Just as new wine is meant to be stored in skins designed for that wine, each moment is meant to be lived out in its own manner, free from the impending concerns and worries on the horizon. When trials come, we must face them, but when joy appears, we must embrace it all the more.
May we enjoy this day and all days with this wholesome, Christian outlook.
Bro. Rene

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