Sunday, November 9, 2014

St; John Lateran

The Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica, the Pope's basilica takes precedence over the 31st Sunday of in Ordinary Time because the basilica stands as a symbol of the entire Church, not just of seat of the Pope's Office as head of the Church.  It is a celebration of US, the People of God, the Church guaranteed to prevail over the forces of evil till the end of time when Jesus will come in glory to claim his Kingdom.  The basilica itself, the palace of the Lateran family, was dedicated in 328 AD and has been rebuilt after fire and eathquakes have destroyed it, again a symbol that no matter what attacks the Church suffers, it will continue to carry on its mission. 
Today the Church faces apparently insurmountable problems arising from within as well as from without.  Persecutions abound in the Near East, China, and in subtle ways, even in our own country. Some bishops are allegedly not happy with the pastoral style of Pope Francis; people are not happy with the closing or merging of parishes and schools; recruitment to the priesthood and religious life is scant and scary.   We could easily fall into worry about the future.  A look at history and especially the words of Jesus, in Matthew 28:20, "I am with you always till the end of the age." reassures us, gives us hope, and the energy to "rebuild."  May we find joy in the promise of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit working within the Church and within us.  Happy Feast Day!
Bro. Rene

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