Saturday, November 1, 2014

Celebrating the Saints

We begin the month of November not only with a chill in the air, but with the celebration of the saints, those people who have lived their lives as best they could according to the teachings of Jesus and who now live with him, the Father and Holy Spirit in peace, shining like the sun in the Divine Presence.  We use images with which we are familiar to describe the kingdom of heaven, eternal bliss and the beatific vision, but as St. Paul told us, "eye has not seen nor ear heard nor has it entered into the heart to man what God has prepared for those who love him"  1 Cor 2: 9)
The recent film, Heaven is For Real, based on the book of the same title, give us somewhat of a picture through the eyes of a four year old, but even that is certainly not the entire picture.  Saints have appeared back on earth; Mary has made her mark in the field of apparitions; miracles in their name verify their place in heaven; the stamp of canonization as well attests to their holiness, but heaven still remains a mystery, a promise, a hope.
The important thing is for us to concentrate on doing our BEST to live as Jesus taught us, in love, compassion, forgiveness and justice.  In so doing we get a foretaste of what the kingdom is; we don't have to wait for death, but can ease into it even here on earth, now, already, but not yet fully complete.  May this day be one that inspires us; may we spend time in prayer with our favorite saints, canonized or not, and allow them to help us follow in their footsteps.
Bro. Rene

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