Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Practice What You Preach

Note: It's a blessing to be back at my laptop after a long hiatus at Holy Family Hospital.  I am slowly regaining my strength and routine.  Thank you for patiently bearing with my absence.

 Luke 11,42-46 - Digital Catholic Missionaries (DCM)

 Luke 11: 42-46 

Essentials First

42 “How terrible it will be for you Pharisees! You give God a tenth of your garden plants, such as mint and rue. But you have forgotten to be fair and to love God. You should have practiced the last things without failing to do the first.

43 “How terrible for you Pharisees! You love the most important seats in the synagogues. You love having people greet you with respect in the market.

44 “How terrible for you! You are like graves that are not marked. People walk over them without knowing it.”

45 An authority on the law spoke to Jesus. He said, “Teacher, when you say things like that, you say bad things about us too.”

46 Jesus replied, “How terrible for you authorities on the law! You put such heavy loads on people that they can hardly carry them. But you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them.

Jesus pulls no punches: preachers have no credibility unless they practice what they preach. Actions do speak louder than words as he graphically illustrates. We need a daily mirror to view ourselves before we even dare to tell others how to behave.  There is one called the "Examen" a brief look at our day before we sleep to look closely at our interactions with  one another and our fidelity to the teachings of Jesus. We give thanks for our successes and ask pardon for our failures along with a firm resolve to do better the next day.  It keeps us honest and helps us to become more like the Christ we hope to imitate and make known to others. It's worth a try.

Dear Jesus, help me to practice what I preach. Amen. 



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