Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Birth of the Baptist

Appropriately,  we read today the birth of John the Baptist, the Precursor of Jesus, the one who came before Jesus to prepare the way for him, to lower the mountains, fill in the valleys and prepare a highway for our God-man. Even John's birth has some parallels to that of Jesus that help "prepare the way: The angel Gabriel, the same one who appeared to Mary, appeared to John's father, Zechariah to announce his birth to a couple long past childbearing age. Gabriel gave Zechariah the name for the child, John, as he gave the name Jesus to Mary. Both boys led "hidden lives" until their appearance on the public stage: one announcing the Lamb of God, the other Being the Lamb of God...
We might take this day to reflect on the many details of both births and missions and see again the cleverness of God's plan, and find assurance for his taking care of the plans we have.
Bro. Rene

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