Monday, March 18, 2019

Being Merciful

"Jesus said to his disciples: 'Be merciful, just as your heavenly Father is merciful.'" (Lk 6:36).  We wonder how we can ever match that degree of mercy, for our past attempts reveal that much is lacking in "the quality of mercy" that we attempt to show, or in the length of its duration. It must be part of our wounded nature to be so incapable, it seems, in our ability to forgive and be merciful. Jesus, however, would not have proposed this high standard if it were impossible to meet.  He gives a a few practical means of making it possible:  avoid judging others,  forgive and give.  All take effort and all help shrink our "poor me" ego, which always seems to arise as an obstacle, a barrier, between people.  The more we let go of it, the more we "die" to self, the more will we be able to see the plight of others, their needs, their circumstances, and not be blinded by our own.  Lent is the time for us to examine such interactions and make a concerted effort to let go of self, as Jesus did, as much as we can, and put others ahead of ourselves.  Then we will be able to love them with the tender compassion with which God loves all of us.
Bro. Rene

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