Saturday, June 30, 2018

Learning From The Centurion

How often, before receiving Holy Communion and reciting the prayer, "O Lord, Ii am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed:" do we think of the Centurion who first uttered these words?  He is nameless, but his humility and trust remain as a permanent example of the stance that befits a believer in Jesus.  None of us is worthy of the marvelous blessings we enjoy daily, the love,the friendships, the safety, security and good health we take for granted.  And, assuming that we are entitled to receive the Son of God in Holy Communion into our hearts is pushing privilege a bit over the top.The Centurion knew who he was, what his place was, but also knew who Jesus was, and put his request before him with a sincere and compelling  trust that he would honor it. We might pray for and work toward such humility and trust, not only before receiving the Body and Blood of Christ, but in our daily prayer, reflection and interactions with others.
Bro. Rene

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